
My CV.
My Google Scholar Page.
My SSRN Page (which contains a subset of my working papers).

My primary research areas are energy operations management and behavioral operations.


2020 Alan Dennis, Lingyao (Ivy) Yuan, Xuan Feng, Eric Webb, Christine Hsieh.  Digital Nudging:  Numeric and Semantic Priming in E-Commerce. Journal of Management Information Systems, vol. 37 (1), pp. 39-65.

2019 Eric Webb, Alex Mills.  Incentive-Compatible Prehospital Triage in Emergency Medical ServicesProduction and Operations Management, vol. 28 (9), pp. 2221-2241.

2006 Dan Lithio, Eric Webb, Tim Pennings. Optimizing a Volleyball ServeRose-Hulman Undergraduate Mathematics Journal, 7(2), Article 11.

Public Working Papers

Eric Webb, Owen Wu, Kyle Cattani. Coordinating Energy Efficiency and Incentive-based Demand Response.

Eric Webb, Gil Souza, Owen Wu. Utility-Owned Combined Heat and Power: Improving Reliability and Lessening Environmental Impact.

Eric Webb, Qiuping Yu, Kurt Bretthauer. Linking Delay Announcements, Abandonment, and Service Time: A Behavioral Perspective.