Book Review- Superfreakonomics

by Stephen J. Dubner and Steven Levitt, 2009


I know I’m super late to the party on this one, so there’s not much to say. Interesting as always, but by this point, I’ve heard most of their arguments in other contexts outside of the book (mostly blogs). The part about the first documented case of monkey prostitution at the end was very funny. I’m surprised I haven’t seen more progress on geo-engineering to fight global warming in the last 7 years.

I’ll just point out that this was the first book I listened to on audio loan from the library via my phone. The Monroe County Public Library allows you to rent audiobooks through the apps Overdrive and hoopla. Useful for when you want to listen to an audiobook but don’t have a CD player.

My Presentations at POMS in Orlando this Friday

I will be at POMS’ conference in Orlando this week. POMS is the Production and Operations Management Society. Here are my presentations:
1. At 1:30pm Friday, I will be presenting my behavioral paper with Qiuping Yu and Kurt Bretthauer in session 80. I’m guessing the room is “Lanai”? The paper’s working title is “Linking Customer Behavior and Delay Announcements: Are Customers Really Rational?”, though it says “Linking Customer Behavior and Delay Announcements Using a Duration Model” on the schedule.
2. At 3:15pm Friday, I will be presenting my energy paper with Owen Wu and Kyle Cattani in session 133. I’m guessing the room is “Camelia”? The paper’s working title is “Mind the Gap: Coordinating Energy Efficiency and Demand Response”, though it says “Energy Efficiency and Demand Response on a Production Line” on the schedule.

Bonus presentation: If you’re more into healthcare,
3. Also at 1:30 Friday, in Salon 6, Alex Mills will be presenting “Incentive-Compatible Pre-hospital Triage in Emergency Medical Services”. I am listed as the presenter on the schedule for that presentation, but I cannot be in two places at once. I’m not particularly happy at POMS for putting all three of my presentations in the span of 3 hours during a 4 day conference.

I will be at the Behavioral Mini-Conference in the morning on Thursday and the Supply Chain Tour in the afternoon on Thursday. See you in Orlando!

Accepted to Present at Behavioral Operations Conference, July 15

My paper with Qiuping Yu and Kurt Bretthauer, “Linking Customer Behavior and Delay Announcements: Are Customers Really Rational?”, was accepted to be presented at the Behavioral Operations Conference at the University of Wisconsin-Madison on July 15. The conference is a single-track conference focused on issues in behavioral operations, so everyone at the conference can hear my presentation. More details here: Behavioral Operations Conference.

Here is my accepted 1-page abstract.

Other cool things happening at this conference:
-There is a Young Scholars Workshop on Friday, which offers advice to graduate students and young faculty members.
-Justin Sydnor is presenting a tutorial at the Young Scholars Workshop. I took two classes, Game Theory and Behavioral Economics, with Professor Sydnor at Case Western. He’s now at UW-Madison.
-As far as I can tell, I am one of four graduate students accepted to present at the main conference. 14 talks will be given. Everyone else is faculty.
-Asa Palley, who will be starting as an Assistant Professor at IU next fall, is presenting on the second day of the main conference.

Book Review- The Boom

The Boom: How Fracking Ignited the American Energy Revolution and Changed the World
by Russell Gold, 2014

the boom

Hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, is the process of pumping water and chemicals down an oil/gas well to crack the shale rock formation many miles underground. The cracks in the shale then release the fossil fuels, which flow up the well and are collected and pipelined to markets. This book does a good job of explaining the process, the market, the opportunity, and the risks of fracking. It is relatively unbiased and has in-depth looks at Chesapeake Energy and efforts at detecting unsuitable cement well-walls that may be leaking gas.

The book was published in 2014, so it does not contain reference to the oil/gas prices drops of the last ~12 months. I think that companies have been in too much of a rush to pump the oil/gas from fracking as fast as possible, and the glut of product into the market has killed the economic benefit of the new reserves. Many of the fracking rigs are now idle, as the lower market price of gas/oil is not enough to justify drilling. The rush has also led to many environmental issues. I’m of the opinion that fracking seems to be an acceptable process overall, but it has been badly planned out by the energy companies and poorly regulated by the government.

“The stone age didn’t end because we ran out of stones.” And the fossil fuel age will hopefully end before we run out of carbon sources, as we are really good at finding new sources and their cumulative effect on the planet is not good.

Book Reviews- Anticancer and Why We Get Fat

Guest book reviews from Maria.

Anticancer: A New Way of Life
by David Servan-Schreiber, 2007



Why We Get Fat: And What To Do About It
by Gary Taubes, 2010

why we get fat

Anticancer: A New Way of Life, which I read quickly in a few bouts over my spring break, combines the author’s personal battle with cancer with a guide to healthy living that he has been practicing as a cancer patient and doctor for the past two decades. Besides the typical “exercise and reduce stress” spiel, he goes into the nutrition and science behind how what we eat affects our bodies’ ability to heal. Most diseases, he says, are caused by inflammation. There are several tables of foods and what kinds of cancers those foods are supposed to help fight against or prevent. (Eric was listening to this book on CD, which goes through those tables too quickly to process or remember, so we rented the book as well.) A few foods that are particularly bad (they cause a lot of inflammation) are refined sugar, white flour, and vegetable oils — basically everything common in the Western diet. A few foods that are particularly good (they help fight inflammation and are packed with nutrients) include fatty fish, broccoli, and green tea. Of course, he is big on organics.

One piece of his advice is to avoid red meat. This needs to be taken with a grain of salt, because he generalizes all red meat – conventional and grass fed – into one lump. Beef has gotten a bad rap because of its imbalance of omega 6 and omega 3 (too much omega 6 is bad). Grass fed beef is much healthier and, personally, I think we don’t need to be afraid of beef if it contains a lot of omega 3. A book I read right before this one, called “Why We Get Fat (and what to do about it)” goes into depth all the science behind eating meat, especially the differences between conventional and grass fed. That book says to eat as much meat as you want, as long as it’s grass fed (and, ideally, organic). Each as many vegetables as you want, especially the green stuff, and especially organic. Carbs — like in refined sugars and flours — are the main evil. They are inflammatory and encourage fat cells to thrive instead of putting their energy into your muscles.

The two books have a lot in common (what not to eat and the role of inflammation in being healthy) and both go into the nutrition and science of food. If you want to figure out why the Western diet makes us fat (along with how to improve your diet), I highly recommend Why We Get Fat. If you want to learn about general healthy practices and specific foods to target cancers, read Anticancer. Read both if you can. I enjoyed both books and they have spurred a revamp of Eric and my diets. We ate well before, but we are more conscious of what we put in our bodies.