Category Archives: Sports

2017-2018 NFL Betting Summary

Overall Against the Spread: 125-116
Week 2: 9-7
Week 3: 8-6
Week 4: 7-9
Week 5: 7-6
Week 6: 8-5
Week 7: 10-4
Week 8: 6-7
Week 9: 9-4
Week 10: 5-9
Week 11: 4-9
Week 12: 3-12
Week 13: 12-4
Week 14: 9-7
Week 15: 6-7
Week 16: 9-6
Week 17: 6-10
Wild Card: 2-2
Division: 2-2
Conference: 2-0
Super Bowl: 1-0

Past Years:
2016-2017 (105-133)
2015-2016 (126-111)
2014-2015 (79-63, started in Week 9)

Rounding the Bases 20180126

Vikings were forced to attempt XP (against Saints) because of regular-season point differential rule, not the spread.

Olympic opening ceremony uniforms are wearable mini-heaters. “It’s the most technologically advanced jacket ever produced,” Lauren says. “There have been heatable blankets for kids before but they have wires. This is a fabric with ink that heats up — it’s weightless, it’s conductive and it’s immediate.”

NBA outlines legalized betting plan.

NFL Picks – Super Bowl 2018

Overall Against the Spread: 124-116
Week 2: 9-7
Week 3: 8-6
Week 4: 7-9
Week 5: 7-6
Week 6: 8-5
Week 7: 10-4
Week 8: 6-7
Week 9: 9-4
Week 10: 5-9
Week 11: 4-9
Week 12: 3-12
Week 13: 12-4
Week 14: 9-7
Week 15: 6-7
Week 16: 9-6
Week 17: 6-10
Wild Card: 2-2
Division: 2-2
Conference: 2-0

NFL Picks – Wild Card 2017

Overall Against the Spread: 118-112
Week 2: 9-7
Week 3: 8-6
Week 4: 7-9
Week 5: 7-6
Week 6: 8-5
Week 7: 10-4
Week 8: 6-7
Week 9: 9-4
Week 10: 5-9
Week 11: 4-9
Week 12: 3-12
Week 13: 12-4
Week 14: 9-7
Week 15: 6-7
Week 16: 9-6
Week 17: 6-10